About Me

One thing I am certain of is that I like being part of important conversations. Professionally, I first became part of them at age 22 when trained to take crisis calls at the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center.  Being in helpful conversations with people in distress changed the direction of my life.  It led me to completing graduate school at UCLA in 1980, to becoming a licensed mental health practitioner in the state of California and, almost four decades later, to still enjoy useful conversations with the individuals, the couples and, sometimes, the families who seek my services at critical junctures in their lives.  Over that long period of time, I have become more skilled at what to listen for, what to respond to and how to stay close to my client’s best hopes and intentions. In the end, the best care starts with a good conversation. 

 During my career, I have also taught, trained or supervised over one thousand aspiring mental health practitioners in the skills of being part of hopeful and helpful conversations.  Whether in the graduate school program at UCLA, or Antioch University of Los Angeles or several community mental health clinics, meeting the challenge to teach with clarity and precision has always sharpened my work and elevated my awareness of how fortunate I have been to be drawn to it.  Through continuing education, I have also received a certificate as an Advanced Mindfulness Practitioner, which is an extension of techniques and strategies I find useful in my own life and conversations. 

 My office is located in Solana Beach, CA 92075 and I look forward to speaking with you about what has you considering psychotherapy at this time.  If you want to set up an appointment or if you want to know more in making the decision to do so, please contact me by phone, text or e-mail with questions you would like me to answer and a good time to reach you. 

Masters of Clinical Social Work, University of California, Los Angeles, 1980

License, Certifications & Awards

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, California  LCSW11896 California Lifetime Secondary Teaching Credential

Certified Mindfulness Practitioner California Problem Gambling Treatment Services Program Authorization

Helpful Forms

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